We’ve rounded up the greatest insights, highlights and moments from Salesforce World Tour Sydney – including on building love among users, turning the c-suite into change champions, bolstering the aged care workforce with technology, and more.
Pip Marlow told the crowd who gathered for an overflowing Salesforce World Tour Keynote that she’s hearing, again and again, that companies are frustrated by how hard they find it to be a customer company.
Throughout the day, we heard fantastic advice on solving that challenge – including Salesforce’s five-part customer company playbook that provides a step-by step journey through creating a customer 360, building apps and automating, seeing and understanding customers, realising value quickly, and succeeding now.
Overwhelmingly, customer sessions were concerned with building love among users, implementing and iterating, and learning from each other at every step. Here are the highlights.

The Keynote started with a warm Welcome to Country from Gadigal Elder Uncle Allen Madden and an incredible performance by musicians Mitch Tambo and Reigan Derry in both Gamilaraay and English.
Towards the end, Pip Marlow invited TupuToa Chief Executive Anne Fitisemanu to the stage to accept the coveted Golden Hoodie, before sharing a story that urged action.

Hands down our favourite session was a discussion between our training lead Dr Jocelyne Bouzaid and University of Sydney Head of Student Wellbeing Dr Benjamin Wilkes. With three times as many people as seats, we weren’t alone!
Ben shared insights into the University’s recent Salesforce implementation, which uses CRM for wellbeing, support services, and to simplify student and staff reporting pathways.
Government leaders are in a tough spot, with citizen expectations disconnected from government resourcing. Technology alone can’t bridge the divide between the personalised service that’s expected and the scale at which government must operate.
Lauren Dean, Executive Director of ChildStory, shared lessons from the organisation’s digital transformation journey, which started six years ago with the goal of centring the children the organisation works with in every decision and every interaction, by ensuring access to critical information at the right time.

The greatest challenge facing aged care, we heard in a session about new care models with Australian Unity GM Lauren Williams and Baptcare’s Fiona van Dalen, is workforce – an ageing workforce that needs to be supplemented with new recruits but is not.
And while technology could be the solution that enables current aged care workers to spend more time providing care to their customers, resistance to change is a challenging barrier.
Battling for the budget to launch a digital project, invest in new technology or fund an implementation?
A panel discussion with c-suite and board members uncovered a treasure trove of tips and insights that simplify the process.
And while it’s easy to get caught up in questions of storytelling, how much detail the board and decision makers need, and more, David Aitken from Settlement Services International boiled proposals down to one core idea: Find stupid processes and show how inefficient they are.
HammondCare CFO Rory Crout told us that before looking at numbers, he wants to know the problem that will be solved, and what success looks like. He wants to understand ownership and sponsorship within the organisation, seeing IT as the enabler but with a need for a business sponsor for projects to succeed.